For many of us, stress is at an all time high
(I'm looking at YOU, 2020 and 2021!)
We've been caring for elderly parents, worrying about kids, trying to keep our loved ones healthy, working from home, pivoting in our jobs, keeping businesses afloat, home schooling... and then there's been the financial stress… eek!
Convenience foods, gluten, processed carbs, sugar, caffeine, and… well... a fair bit of wine have all crept in (am I right?).
It's cool - I'm not going to judge you - I've been there too.
But I also know what happens next.
Cue - fatigue, weight gain, bloating, gut issues, skin breakouts, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and regret.
But it’s time to create a different story.
One where you become a shining example of what’s possible even when times are stressful.
One where you banish the bloat, reduce inflammation, and feel happy and whole again.
Let me show you how!
I strongly believe, that with the right plan and guidance...
You CAN become like teflon when stress hits you.
You CAN feel happy and confident in your body.
You CAN keep your energy levels from crashing. (It's not even that hard once you know the secret!)
I share exactly HOW you can bounce back from burnout inside my new e-book: Heal Your Adrenals
In this 44 page eBook, you will receive my step-by-step process to coming back from burnout, including:
- what to eat (including the recipes!)
- how to implement self-care
- which herbs and supplements to take, and
- how to identify the underlying causes of fatigue.
inside the e-book
discovering and managing burnout symptoms, discovering underlying causes of burnout and fatigue, meal planner, nutrition guides and delicious recipes, supplement tips, and more!

Most people assume that because I'm a naturopath I'm super healthy all the time. But a few years after I graduated, I wasn't healthy at all.
I was fatigued, suffering from adrenal dysfunction, and bordering on complete burnout.
I was working crazy long hours in a stressful corporate health job.
I was eating takeaway food for convenience, and then smashing myself on the treadmill to keep the weight off (spoiler alert - it didn't work!).
I had more supplements in my kitchen than fresh food. But they weren't working.
Nothing was working.
Until I changed a few simple things.
I started eating simple, healthy, home-cooked food (it wasn't even hard!). I balanced my blood sugar levels by eating the right balance of carbs to protein. I reduced my cortisol levels with a few simple tweaks to my lifestyle, and I took the right herbs and supplements, not just ones designed to pep me up.
I learned to manage my stress, and change the way my body reacted to it.
Inside this e-book I share with you my formula for burnout recovery so that you can bounce back better than ever!